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Marginal Pond Plants

What are marginal pond plants

Marginal pond plants grow in the shallow edges of your pond, often in aquatic planting baskets. Marginal aquatic plants bring shape to the water edge, they also provide splashes of colour throughout the growing season.

  • British Native
    Pilularia globulifera - Pepper grass

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Pilularia globulifera - Pepper grass

    Pilularia globulifera - Pepper grass Aquatic Ponds Plants Leaves are hair-like and arise from a creeping stem Flowers: July - September Growth Rate: Slow Depth: 1 - 25cm Max Height: 10 - 15cm Native to British Isles: Yes Perfect...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Carex pseudocyperus - Cyperus sedge

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Carex pseudocyperus - Cyperus sedge

    Carex pseudocyperus - Cyperus sedge Bright green, grassy leaves with drooping, many flowered spikelets, popular with landscapers for native planting schemes to provide cover for wildfowl.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    RHS Gold Merit
    Lobelia cardinalis - Scarlet Lobelia

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lobelia cardinalis - Scarlet Lobelia

    Lobelia cardinalis - Scarlet Lobelia Best planted near the water edge to reflect the glorious colour of the brilliant red flowers against the green foliage.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Aug - Sep Growth...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Sparganium erectum - Branched bur-reed

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Sparganium erectum - Branched bur-reed

    Sparganium erectum - Branched bur-reed A very quick growing native, it is popular with landscapers for native planting schemes to provide cover for wildfowl. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Aug Growth...

    From £19.99 £19.99
  • Juncus ensifolius

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Juncus ensifolius - Flying hedgehogs

    Juncus ensifolius - Flying hedgehogs Bright green, grass-like foliage is topped with numerous very dark brown seed heads making it an attractive and unusual addition to a pond and giving it it's common name.Pond ready – This plant comes ready...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' - Arum lily

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' - Arum lily

    Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' - Arum lily Glossy arrow-shaped leaves, large white arum flowers with a yellow spathe. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Aug Growth Rate: Slow Max Height:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Cyperus longus - Sweet galingale

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Cyperus longus - Sweet galingale

    Cyperus longus - Sweet galingale Dark green grass-like pendulous foliage with brown flowers.  This plant makes good cover for wildlife in large ponds or lakes.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Aug -...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Fit For A King
    Pack of 3
    The Royal Marginal Pond Plant Collection

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    The Royal Marginal Pond Plant Collection

    The Royal Marginal Plant Collection - Pack of 3 Celebrate our King with a selection of our most royally named pond plants Pond ready – These plants come ready potted in aquatic soil with baskets Three different 1 litre plants will be selected...

    Now: £29.99
  • Oxygenator
    Littorella Uniflora - Shoreweed

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Littorella Uniflora - Shoreweed

    Littorella Uniflora - Shoreweed "A low growing oxygenator with fat, fleshy leaves that form a carpet on the floor of the pond/shelf. Non flowering underwater, spreads by sending out runners. Reported to grow as deep as 4m in clear water." Pond...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    RHS Gold Merit
    Mimulus cardinalis - Scarlet monkey flower

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Mimulus cardinalis - Scarlet monkey flower

    Mimulus cardinalis - Scarlet monkey flower Downy light green leaves with pretty tubular scarlet flowers that bloom throughout the summer. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Aug Growth Rate: Fast Max...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    RHS Gold Merit
    sold out
    Pontederia cordata - Pickerel weed

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Pontederia cordata - Pickerel weed

    Pontederia cordata - Pickerel weed Heart-shaped green leaves with clusters of blue flowers born on a spike.  A tall late flowering structural plant. It is free flowering and slowly grows into a large clump. Pond ready – This plant comes...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Potentilla palustris - Marsh cinquefoil

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Potentilla palustris - Marsh cinquefoil

    Potentilla palustris - Marsh cinquefoil Pretty, sharply jagged toothed leaves divided into leaflets.  The stem is a reddish brown vine-like structure from which the red-purple flowers extend. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Scented Plant
    Houttuynia cordata ‘Plena’ - Orange peel plant

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Houttuynia cordata ‘Plena’ - Orange peel plant

    Houttuynia cordata ‘Plena’ - Orange peel plant It has white flowers, made of numerous bracts, which are prolific from May to September. The leaves, as other Houttuynias, have an attractive orange peel scent, hence it's common name.Pond ready...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Juncus effusus var spiralis

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Juncus effusus var spiralis - Corkscrew rush

    Juncus effusus var spiralis - Corkscrew rush This evergreen is a must-have for any small pond. It has an unusual corkscrew twist to the cylindrical foliage. Although evergreen, cutting it back in early spring encourages fresh new growth.Pond ready...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Iris pseudacorus bastardii

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Iris pseudacorus bastardii

    Iris pseudacorus bastardii Vigorous broad green foliage with lovely pale creamy-yellow flowers which make it an attractive alternative to Iris pseudacorus. As with all iris the tubers are harmful if eaten. Pond ready – This plant comes ready...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Iris Louisiana - Mixed

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Iris Louisiana - Mixed

    Iris Louisiana - Mixed A mix of louisiana Iris. Various colours. As with all iris the tubers are harmful if eaten. Most iris prefer acidic soils. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Jul Growth Rate:...

    From £23.99 £23.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Menyanthes trifoliata - Bog bean

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Menyanthes trifoliata - Bog bean

    Menyanthes trifoliata - Bog bean A rambling plant with trifoliate olive-green foliage that creeps over the surface of the water.  The attractive white flowers are tipped with pink.  An infusion of the roots used to be used as a tonic for...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    sold out
    Hypericum elodes - Marsh St John's wort

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Hypericum elodes - Marsh St John's wort

    Hypericum elodes - Marsh St John's wort The green-grey soft hairy foliage gives a glaucous appearance.  Small, saucer shaped yellow flowers appear in late summer.  Good for the edges of ponds and streams Pond ready – This plant comes...

    Now: £19.99
  • Yellow Flowers
    The Mellow Yellow Marginal Pond Plant Collection

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    The Mellow Yellow Marginal Pond Plant Collection

    ‘Mellow Yellow’ Marginal Plant Collection Yellow, the colour of sunshine. It's sure to bring you happiness as you relax by your pond! Pond ready – These plants come ready potted in aquatic soil with baskets If you love the cheerful...

    From £29.99 £29.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Iris louisiana 'Ann Chowning'

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Iris louisiana 'Ann Chowning'

    Iris louisiana 'Ann Chowning' Velvety dark cherry red flowers with a yellow centre, it received the Mary Swords Debaillon Award, the highest given to a Louisiana iris.  As with all iris the tubers are harmful if eaten.  Pond ready –...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Mimulus guttatus - Common monkeyflower

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Mimulus guttatus - Common monkeyflower

    Mimulus guttatus - Common monkeyflower Numerous bright yellow flowers with small reddish spots throughout the summer make it a popular plant for the bog or water garden. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun -...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Hypericum tetrapterum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Hypericum tetrapterum - Square stalked St John`s Wort

    Hypericum tetrapterum - Square stalked St John`s Wort Small creeping perennial. Soft round leaves with yellow flowers in clustersPond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Sep Growth Rate: Slow Max Height:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Scented Plant
    Saururus cernuus - Lizards tail

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Saururus cernuus - Lizards tail

    Saururus cernuus - Lizards tail Green lance-shaped leaves with slender nodding solitary spikes of tiny white fragrant flowers.  The common name Lizard's tail depicts the shape of its drooping flower. Pond ready – This plant comes ready...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Mazus reptans - Chinese marshflower

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Mazus reptans - Chinese marshflower

    Mazus reptans - Chinese marshflower A native of the Himalayas, it is a low creeping marginal that forms dense mats of blue flowers that flower prolifically throughout the summer.  Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Acorus Gramineus Ogon

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Acorus Gramineus Ogon - Golden Variegated Sweet Flag

    Acorus Gramineus Ogon - Golden Variegated Sweet Flag This variegated semi-evergreen has aromatic, showy bright yellow & green striped foliage that grows in attractive wide fans forming large low growing clumps.Pond ready – This plant comes...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Eupatorium cannabinum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Eupatorium cannabinum - Hemp agrimony - Dutch agrimony

    Eupatorium cannabinum - Hemp agrimony  - Dutch agrimony A tall native marginal with bold, domed shaped clusters of tiny, fluffy, dusty pink flower heads in late summer and early autumn.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Glyceria maxima variegata

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Glyceria maxima variegata - Variegated sweet grass

    Glyceria maxima variegata - Variegated sweet grass A relatively vigorous plant but with attractive pinkie-red striped grass foliage in Spring maturing to yellow & white later in the year. It is graced with purplish-green flowering panicles in late...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Scented Plant
    Houttuynia cordata

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Houttuynia cordata 'Boo Boo'

    Houttuynia cordata 'Boo Boo' The colourful, scented leaves turn bright red in Autumn. The leaves have an interestingly crinkled effect, unlike the other Houttuynia, this variety is a slightly darker in colour than Chameleon.Pond ready – This plant...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Acorus Calamus - Sweet Flag

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Acorus Calamus - Sweet Flag

    Acorus Calamus - Sweet Flag  Dark green iris-like foliage with a small green horn-shaped bloom. It grows from a rhizome which runs across the ground out of which the leaves rise up. It has been used in fragrances and medicinal cures since Egyptian...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Scented Plant
    Anemopsis californicum - Apache beads

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Anemopsis californicum - Apache beads

    Anemopsis californicum - Apache beads Known as “Apache beads”, it has beautiful white scented flowers and broad, dark green leaves.  Used to be sold in Mexico's markets to ward off malaria and other diseases.  The flowers and...

    From £11.99 £11.99

A Guide to Pond Plants

Aquatic pond plants really bring a pond to life - not only do they greatly enhance the natural beauty of your pond, but they also play an essential role in maintaining the health of its water and inhabitants.

Step By Step Guide To Planting Pond Plants

Follow our step by step guide to successfully planting or replanting pond plants. Before we start, we will answer a few frequently asked questions.

Benefits of marginal pond plants 

Many species of marginal plants also work to maintain the health and vitality of your pond and its inhabitants. Veronica Beccabunga is one of the best marginal pond plants for shade as it will raft across the water surface, providing protection for fish, reducing sunlight and help to hinder algae growth.
Marginal pond plants such as grasses are especially useful for removing excess nutrients from the water while native marginal pond plants such as Mimulus are fast surface spreaders, creating shade as well as contrast with taller plants.

How should I plant my marginal pond plants?

In most cases aquatic pond plants are planted into aquatic baskets lined with a hessian liner topped with gravel to stop the soil escaping. However it is also possible to design integral planting areas in your pond which can look more natural and especially good for wildlife ponds. Check out our step by step planting guides or our design pages for guides on building a integral pond planting area.

How many marginal plants do I need? 

The table below is a guide to the number of marginal plants required to establish a new pond.

Pond Surface Area 2m2  4m2  6m2  8m2 10m2  12m2
Deep Marginal 1 2 2 5 6 8
Marginal Plants 8 14 18 24 30 36


How to look after marginal pond plants

All plant varieties vary slightly. Please follow individual advice for plants, however as a general rule, remove foliage as it dies back in the autumn, avoiding dead plant matter breaking down potentiality impacting water quality and affecting fish health. If plants only need cutting back or reducing, Spring is usually the best time giving the pond inhabitants the benefit of the plant's shelter over winter.

Pond Plant Collections  |  Water Lilies  |  Deep Water Plants  |  Bog or Marsh Plants  |  Oxygenating Plants  |  Floating Plants  |  Pond Snails & Mussels

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