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Marginal Pond Plants

What are marginal pond plants

Marginal pond plants grow in the shallow edges of your pond, often in aquatic planting baskets. Marginal aquatic plants bring shape to the water edge, they also provide splashes of colour throughout the growing season.

  • Calla palustris - Bog or water arum lily

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Calla palustris - Bog or water arum lily

    Calla palustris - Bog or water arum lily A rambling plant with heart-shaped leaves, white flowers are followed by bright red seed heads. This is one of the very few plants known to be pollinated by snails as they are attracted by the flower's scent.Pond...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Acorus Gramineus Variegatus

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Acorus Gramineus Variegatus - Variegated Slender Sweet Flag

    Acorus Gramineus Variegatus - Variegated Slender Sweet Flag This is as Acorus gramineus Ogon but the leaves are green and white variegated.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Sep Growth Rate: Slow Max...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Lysimachia nummularia aurea - Golden creeping jenny

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lysimachia nummularia aurea - Golden creeping jenny

    Lysimachia nummularia aurea - Golden creeping jenny As Lysimachia nummularia but with a golden rather than rich green leaf colour. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Aug Growth Rate: Medium Max Height:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    RHS Gold Merit
    Lysichiton camtschatcensis - White Skunk cabbage

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lysichiton camtschatcensis - White Skunk cabbage

    Lysichiton camtschatcensis - White Skunk cabbage As Lysichiton americanus but with white flowers and slightly shorter growing. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Apr - May Growth Rate: Slow Max Height:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Typha gracilis - Medium bulrush - Medium reedmace

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Typha gracilis - Medium bulrush - Medium reedmace

    Typha gracilis - Medium bulrush - Medium reedmace A smaller typha this is excellent for medium and large ponds. It has milk chocolate coloured seed heads. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Sep Growth...

    From £23.99 £23.99
  • British Native
    Scirpus lacustris

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Scirpus lacustris - Clubrush

    Scirpus lacustris - Clubrush A dark green rush with clusters of chocolate brown flowers near top of stems. Popular with landscapers for native planting schemes to provide cover for wildfowl.  Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in...

    From £19.99 £19.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Lobelia vedrariensis - Purple Lobelia

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lobelia vedrariensis - Purple Lobelia

    Lobelia vedrariensis - Purple Lobelia A handsome species with narrow, red-tinged dark green leaves and tubular, deep violet-purple flowers. Harmful if eaten Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Sep Growth...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Juncus inflexus

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Juncus inflexus - Hard rush

    Juncus inflexus - Hard rush Tall blue/grey slender leaved rush.  May self-seed in optimum growing conditionsPond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: June - Aug Growth Rate: Medium Max Height: 60cm Recommended...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    sold out
    Pontederia cordata

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Pontederia cordata 'alba' - White pickerel weed

    Pontederia cordata 'alba' - White pickerel weed Shorter than Pontederia cordata, it is a late flowering, structural plant with heart shaped green leaves with clusters of white flowers. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    From £23.99 £23.99
  • Mazus reptans Alba

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Mazus reptans Alba - Chinese marshflower

    Mazus reptans Alba - Chinese marshflower A white version of Mazus reptans. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: May - Aug Growth Rate: Slow Max Height: 5cm Recommended Planting Depth: 0cm - 5cm Native to...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Mimulus ringens

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Mimulus ringens - Lavender musk

    Mimulus ringens - Lavender musk Longer & narrower leaves than the other Mimulus varieties with small violet-blue flowers on tall stems. A native of eastern and central North America Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Scented Plant
    Acorus calamus variegatus - Variegated sweet flag

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Acorus calamus variegatus - Variegated sweet flag

    Acorus calamus variegatus - Variegated sweet flag As Acorus calamus but with green and cream vertical striped leaves.  This citrus scented plant has also be used in fragrances and medicinal cures.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Allium schoenoprasum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Allium schoenoprasum - Chives

    Allium schoenoprasum - Chives Grass-like tubular, mid-green leaves with pretty rose-pink flowers.  Chives are attractive, prolific flowering and have been used in cooking and medicine for thousands of years. Pond ready – This plant comes...

    Now: £19.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Lobelia fulgens 'Queen Victoria'

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lobelia fulgens 'Queen Victoria'

    Lobelia fulgens 'Queen Victoria' The wonderful purplish-red foliage contrasts excellently with the brilliant red flowers.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Aug - Sep Growth Rate: Slow Max Height:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • sold out
    Dichromena colorata - Star Grass

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Dichromena colorata - Star Grass

    Dichromena colorata - Star Grass A fantastic plant for late in the season as the attractive green and white, star-shaped bracts rise above the grass like foliage and continue into November. Making this previously insignificant plant a great addition to...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Lobelia siphilitica

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lobelia siphilitica - Great Blue Lobelia

    Lobelia siphilitica - Great Blue Lobelia This showy perennial has lanceolate, light green leaves. The erect stems produce lavender-blue, tubular flowers crowded together on the upper part. The species name is based on the fact that it was a supposed...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Not Hardy
    sold out
    Cyperus alternifolius - Umbrella Palm

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Cyperus alternifolius - Umbrella Palm

    Cyperus alternifolius - Umbrella Palm So called because of the shape of its umbels of grassy spikelets.  It makes a popular house plant and is excellent for those who overwater their house plants, as you can't with this one.Pond ready – This...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Ranunculus lingua Grandiflorus - Spearwort

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Ranunculus lingua Grandiflorus - Spearwort

    Ranunculus lingua Grandiflorus - Spearwort Long ovate deep blue-green leaves with bowl shaped large buttercup-type flowers and lovely underwater leaves.  A good plant for wildlife ponds. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Caltha leptosepala

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Caltha leptosepala - White marsh marigold

    Caltha leptosepala - White marsh marigold The white flowers are larger than Caltha palustris 'Alba' and the leaves are oval rather than round. It prefers to marshy ground but can grow in the water. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Caltha palustris polypetala

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Caltha palustris polypetala - Giant King Cup

    Caltha palustris polypetala - Giant King Cup A much bolder plant than Caltha palustris with striking, large, single yellow flowers that appear in early spring and continue for longer than other Calthas.  Mature plants frequently have a few flowers...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    sold out
    Lythrum salicaria Robert-  Loosestrife

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lythrum salicaria Robert- Loosestrife

    Lythrum salicaria Robert-  Loosestrife A more compact form of Lythrum salicaria Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Sep Growth Rate: Medium Max Height: 80cm Recommended Planting Depth: 0cm -...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • RHS Gold Merit
    Scented Plant
    Tulbaghia violacea - Society garlic

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Tulbaghia violacea - Society garlic

    Tulbaghia violacea - Society garlic The fragrant, pale purple flowers are held in large terminal umbels, it is free flowering late in the season. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Oct Growth Rate:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Juncus maritimus

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Juncus maritimus - Sea Rush

    Juncus maritimus - Sea Rush The thin stems arch gracefully with tufts of brownish flowers produced below the sharp pointed stem tip. As it's name suggests, it can tolerate sea spray and slightly brackish water.Pond ready – This plant comes ready...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Rumex sanguineus

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Rumex sanguineus - Bloodwort

    Rumex sanguineus - Bloodwort Attractive rosettes of green ovate leaves with bright red veins, this plant is mainly grown for it foliage. Remove the flower heads to maintain the red leaf veins. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Carex muskingumensis

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Carex muskingumensis - Musk sedge

    Carex muskingumensis  - Musk sedge An architectural plant with light green feathered finely tapering leaves.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: May - Jul Growth Rate: Slow Max Height: 75cm Recommended...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Gratiola officinalis - Summer Snowflake

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Gratiola officinalis - Summer Snowflake

    Gratiola officinalis - Summer Snowflake Pretty spires of white or pink flowers are located in the axils of the leaves.  In Switzerland it grows abundantly in damp pastures and can be dangerous to cattle.Pond ready – This plant comes ready...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    Alisma parviflorum - American Water Plantain

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Alisma parviflorum - American Water Plantain

    Alisma parviflorum - American Water Plantain A compact and attractive form of the native Alisma with more rounded leaves. When mature this plant sends up numerous flower heads with multiple delicate pinkish-white petals. Likes to be kept constantly...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • sold out
    Iris louisiana - Her Highness

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Iris louisiana - Her Highness

    Iris louisiana - Her Highness Snow white flowers with just a hint of yellow.  As with all iris the tubers are harmful if eaten.  Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Jul Growth Rate: Medium Max...

    From £23.99 £23.99
  • Sisyrinchium californicum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Sisyrinchium californicum - Yellow eyed grass

    Sisyrinchium californicum - Yellow eyed grass Miniature Iris-type foliage with masses of star-shaped yellow flowers.  Prefers moist to damp soil. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Aug Growth Rate:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Oenanthe japonica

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Oenanthe javanica 'Flamingo' - Variegated water dropwort

    Oenanthe javanica 'Flamingo' - Variegated water dropwort The beautiful tricolour foliage is pink, white and green in spring, maturing to a darker green and pink in autumn. Tiny, creamy white flowers in umbels appear in mid-summer. Pond ready –...

    From £11.99 £11.99

A Guide to Pond Plants

Aquatic pond plants really bring a pond to life - not only do they greatly enhance the natural beauty of your pond, but they also play an essential role in maintaining the health of its water and inhabitants.

Step By Step Guide To Planting Pond Plants

Follow our step by step guide to successfully planting or replanting pond plants. Before we start, we will answer a few frequently asked questions.

Benefits of marginal pond plants 

Many species of marginal plants also work to maintain the health and vitality of your pond and its inhabitants. Veronica Beccabunga is one of the best marginal pond plants for shade as it will raft across the water surface, providing protection for fish, reducing sunlight and help to hinder algae growth.
Marginal pond plants such as grasses are especially useful for removing excess nutrients from the water while native marginal pond plants such as Mimulus are fast surface spreaders, creating shade as well as contrast with taller plants.

How should I plant my marginal pond plants?

In most cases aquatic pond plants are planted into aquatic baskets lined with a hessian liner topped with gravel to stop the soil escaping. However it is also possible to design integral planting areas in your pond which can look more natural and especially good for wildlife ponds. Check out our step by step planting guides or our design pages for guides on building a integral pond planting area.

How many marginal plants do I need? 

The table below is a guide to the number of marginal plants required to establish a new pond.

Pond Surface Area 2m2  4m2  6m2  8m2 10m2  12m2
Deep Marginal 1 2 2 5 6 8
Marginal Plants 8 14 18 24 30 36


How to look after marginal pond plants

All plant varieties vary slightly. Please follow individual advice for plants, however as a general rule, remove foliage as it dies back in the autumn, avoiding dead plant matter breaking down potentiality impacting water quality and affecting fish health. If plants only need cutting back or reducing, Spring is usually the best time giving the pond inhabitants the benefit of the plant's shelter over winter.

Pond Plant Collections  |  Water Lilies  |  Deep Water Plants  |  Bog or Marsh Plants  |  Oxygenating Plants  |  Floating Plants  |  Pond Snails & Mussels

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