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Water Lilies

Pond Water Lilies

The water lily is the most exquisite pond plant. With a stunning variety of colours and flowers.

World of Water’s range of water lilies for sale both online and in-store will give you months of pleasure during the summer and enhance the pond environment creating interest and texture in the deeper water section of your water garden.


A Guide to Pond Plants

Aquatic pond plants really bring a pond to life - not only do they greatly enhance the natural beauty of your pond, but they also play an essential role in maintaining the health of its water and inhabitants.

Step By Step Guide To Planting Pond Plants

Follow our step by step guide to successfully planting or replanting pond plants. Before we start, we will answer a few frequently asked questions.

Do I need water lilies in my pond

Deep water plant such as water lilies are not just about looking pretty. The water lily plays a key role in the health of your pond by providing essential shade and surface cover for your fish and water life as well as helping reduce algae growth by inhibiting light levels. Water lilies also absorb a large amount of nutrients (nitrates) from the pond during their growth season, reducing this available food source from any pesty algae.

Water lily types & sizes

We stock a huge range of water lilies all suitable for UK ponds. For smaller ponds and small water features such as a half barrel we have small water lilies including a number of pygmaea lilies varieties. For an average size garden pond we suggest buying a water lily for our medium lly range with a spreads upto 100 cm and a planting depth between 30-90 cms depending on variety. The large ponds, lakes and water garden we have a range of large lilies that will a much spread if left unchecked and can be planted down to 150 cms.

How many water Lilies

As a rule of thumb we suggest the average garden pond should be approx two thirds covered by leaves in the summer. This can be achieved with water lilies, floating pond plants, rafting marginal plants or deep water plants such as water hawthorn which has the benefit of being in leaf earlier in the season.

Rough Guide to the numbers of water lilies recommended to establish a new pond
Pond Surface Area 2m2  4m2  6m2  8m2 10m2  12m2
Water Lilies 1 2 3 3 4 5

Other Pond Plants Types

Pond Plant Collections  |  Water Lilies  |  Deep Water Plants  |  Bog or Marsh Plants  |  Marginal Plants  |  Oxygenating Plants  |  Floating Plants  |  Native Pond Plants  | Pond Molluscs (Pond Snails & Mussels)

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