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Native Pond Plants

Native Plants For Your Water Garden

World of Water has some of the best British aquatic pond and marsh plants in our collections. If you want to create a natural wildlife haven in your pond, then British native pond plants are the way to go. Native pond plants are easy to grow in your new pond and create a stunning water feature to enjoy all year round. Or mix up some of the best native pond plants for a wildlife pond with some of the more exotic and ornamental plants on sale for a truly spectacular addition to your garden.

From oxygenators and marginals to floating plants and deep water native lilies, our expert in-store team are happy to help you choose the best native water plants for your pond - use our in-store locator to find a World of Water centre near you. 


  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Alisma plantago aquaticum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Alisma plantago aquaticum - Water plantain

    Alisma plantago aquaticum - Water plantain  When mature this plant sends up many flower stems with multiple delicate white flowers and broad, lanceolate leaves.  It is also said to be a cure for rabies hence it is sometimes called Mad Dog weed...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Anagallis tenella - Bog pimpernel

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Anagallis tenella - Bog pimpernel

    Anagallis tenella - Bog pimpernel Forms a dense carpet of tiny leaves, mixed with numerous rosy-pink flowers.  Ideal in a bog garden or very shallow water.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun -...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Baldellia ranunculoides  - Lesser water plantain

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Baldellia ranunculoides - Lesser water plantain

    Baldellia ranunculoides  - Lesser water plantain A delicate little plant that produces a profusion of small, very pale lilac flowers amidst dense lime-green foliage.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: May -...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Butomus umbellatus - Flowering rush

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Butomus umbellatus - Flowering rush

    Butomus umbellatus - Flowering rush Pretty pink flowers in umbels rise above the triangular leaves which turn from red to dark green as they mature.  The roots used to be crushed and used as food in northern Asia.Pond ready – This plant comes...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Cardamine pratensis

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Cardamine pratensis - Cuckoo flower or Lady's smock

    Cardamine pratensis - Cuckoo flower or Lady's smock Mounds of pale green ferny foliage with pale lilac blooms. It is one of the food plants of the Orange Tip butterfly.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: April -...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Carex acuta

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Carex acuta - slender-tufted sedge

    Carex acuta - slender-tufted sedge A tall slender tufted sedge that grows in rivers, streams and lakes throughout the British Isles.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: May - Aug Growth Rate: Medium Max Height:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    carex pendula

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Carex pendula - Pendulous sedge

    Carex pendula - Pendulous sedge Dark green leathery leaves grow upward then droop to form a weeping mound. The pendulous seed heads can often be seen by streams and brooks.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Carex pseudocyperus - Cyperus sedge

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Carex pseudocyperus - Cyperus sedge

    Carex pseudocyperus - Cyperus sedge Bright green, grassy leaves with drooping, many flowered spikelets, popular with landscapers for native planting schemes to provide cover for wildfowl.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Ceratophyllum demersum - Hornwort - 5 Loose Bunches

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Ceratophyllum demersum - Hornwort - 5 Loose Bunches

    Ceratophyllum demersum - Hornwort Oxygenator Pond Plants - 5 x Loose Bunches Dark green with rigid, branching stems densely clothed with foliage Loose/Free-floating  Flowers: May to July Growth Rate: Medium Depth: 30 - 150cm Max Height:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Cyperus longus - Sweet galingale

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Cyperus longus - Sweet galingale

    Cyperus longus - Sweet galingale Dark green grass-like pendulous foliage with brown flowers.  This plant makes good cover for wildlife in large ponds or lakes.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Aug -...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Equisetum hyemale - Dutch rush

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Equisetum hyemale - Dutch rush

    Equisetum hyemale - Dutch rush This stunning, evergreen plant adds interest to the garden throughout the year. Extremely hardy even 500 miles inside the Artic circle.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun -...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Eriophorum angustifolium

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Eriophorum angustifolium - Cotton grass - Bog cotton

    Eriophorum angustifolium - Cotton grass - Bog cotton A beautiful native plant with grass type foliage and fluffy heads of white cotton-like flowers.  The wool used to be used for stuffing pillows and to make candle wicks.  It is very hardy and...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    sold out
    Eupatorium cannabinum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Eupatorium cannabinum - Hemp agrimony - Dutch agrimony

    Eupatorium cannabinum - Hemp agrimony  - Dutch agrimony A tall native marginal with bold, domed shaped clusters of tiny, fluffy, dusty pink flower heads in late summer and early autumn.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    RHS Gold Merit
    sold out
    Fritillaria meleagris

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Fritillaria meleagris - Snake's head fritillary

    Fritillaria meleagris - Snake's head fritillary This attractive spring bulb has attractive checker board drooping purple or white flowers. Easily grown provided the soil does not become too dry. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Geum rivale - Water avens

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Geum rivale - Water avens

    Geum rivale - Water avens This prolific flowering plant produces delicate nodding bell-shaped pinkie-red flowers continuously from May through to September.Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: May - Sep Growth...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    sold out
    Hippuris vulgaris

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Hippuris vulgaris - Mare's tail

    Hippuris vulgaris - Mare's tail - Oxygenator Plants  Low growing vertical bottle brush type stems Flowers: June - Aug Growth Rate: Slow Depth: 2 - 15cm Max Height: 25 - 30cm Native to British Isles: Yes Perfect For Pollinators:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Hypericum tetrapterum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Hypericum tetrapterum - Square stalked St John`s Wort

    Hypericum tetrapterum - Square stalked St John`s Wort Small creeping perennial. Soft round leaves with yellow flowers in clustersPond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Sep Growth Rate: Slow Max Height:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Iris pseudacorus

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Iris pseudacorus - Yellow Flag

    Iris pseudacorus - Yellow Flag The only UK native aquatic iris, it will grow extremely well in boggy soil. and can achieve quite a remarkable height. As with all iris the tubers are harmful if eaten. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Juncus effusus

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Juncus effusus - Soft rush - Smooth rush

    Juncus effusus - Soft rush - Smooth rush Very erect, dark green stems and brown seed heads. Clumps will spread by creeping rhizomes. Can self seed.  It was used to be make into mats and was probably the rush strewn over the floor in many of...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Juncus inflexus

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Juncus inflexus - Hard rush

    Juncus inflexus - Hard rush Tall blue/grey slender leaved rush.  May self-seed in optimum growing conditionsPond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: June - Aug Growth Rate: Medium Max Height: 60cm Recommended...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Juncus maritimus

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Juncus maritimus - Sea Rush

    Juncus maritimus - Sea Rush The thin stems arch gracefully with tufts of brownish flowers produced below the sharp pointed stem tip. As it's name suggests, it can tolerate sea spray and slightly brackish water.Pond ready – This plant comes ready...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Luronium natans - Floating water plantain

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Luronium natans - Floating water plantain

    Luronium natans - Floating water plantain This unusual, rare plant has oval leaves that float on the water surface when grown in shallow water, but narrow long leaves in deeper areas where it can be grown up to 4m deep. It flowers prolifically when very...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Lychnis flos-cuculi - Ragged Robin

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lychnis flos-cuculi - Ragged Robin

    Lychnis flos-cuculi - Ragged Robin Branched stems bear opposite, lance-shaped leaves.  Clusters of star-shaped deep rose-pink flowers, each petal deeply cut into 4 narrow segments, appear in late spring and early summer. It prefers to be in moist...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    sold out
    Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping jenny

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping jenny

    Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping jenny Excellent for ground cover and blending in the edge of a pond as it will grow on dry ground and can float across the surface of the water. It will also hang gracefully from raised pond edges.  A little more...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Lythrum salicaria - Purple loosestrife

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lythrum salicaria - Purple loosestrife

    Lythrum salicaria - Purple loosestrife A stunning plant for a medium to large pond or lake. The tall pink blooms can be seen from some distance, it is free flowering over a long period in summer. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Mentha aquatica

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Mentha aquatica - Water mint

    Mentha aquatica - Water mint A strong mint scented herb, covered with pinkish lilac flower heads.  It used to be grown for it's essential oils. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Oct Growth Rate:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Mentha puleguim - Pennyroyal Pudding grass

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Mentha pulegium - Pennyroyal Pudding grass

    Mentha pulegium - Pennyroyal Pudding grass A creeping variety with small leaves and, as member of the Mentha family, it has a minty smell. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Oct Growth Rate: Medium Max...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Menyanthes trifoliata - Bog bean

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Menyanthes trifoliata - Bog bean

    Menyanthes trifoliata - Bog bean A rambling plant with trifoliate olive-green foliage that creeps over the surface of the water.  The attractive white flowers are tipped with pink.  An infusion of the roots used to be used as a tonic for...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Myosotis scorpioides - Water forget me not

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Myosotis scorpioides - Water forget me not

    Myosotis scorpioides - Water forget me not This delicate little native plant has numerous clusters of long flowering, small blue flowers which attract abundant pollinators throughout the summer. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    sold out
    Persicaria bistorta - Adderwort

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Persicaria bistorta - Adderwort

    Persicaria bistorta - Adderwort Attractive prominently veined, ovate leaves up to 30cm long have poker shaped bottle brush like mauve-pink flowers rise above them. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul -...

    From £11.99 £11.99

A Guide to Pond Plants

Aquatic pond plants really bring a pond to life - not only do they greatly enhance the natural beauty of your pond, but they also play an essential role in maintaining the health of its water and inhabitants.

Step By Step Guide To Planting Pond Plants

Follow our step by step guide to successfully planting or replanting pond plants. Before we start, we will answer a few frequently asked questions.

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