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Bog & Marsh Plants

  • Scented Plant
    Saururus cernuus - Lizards tail

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Saururus cernuus - Lizards tail

    Saururus cernuus - Lizards tail Green lance-shaped leaves with slender nodding solitary spikes of tiny white fragrant flowers.  The common name Lizard's tail depicts the shape of its drooping flower. Pond ready – This plant comes ready...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Oxygenator
    Scirpus cernuus - Fibre optic plant

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Scirpus cernuus - Fibre optic plant

    Scirpus cernuus  - Fibre optic plant Attractive evergreen has an apt common name. The glassy threadlike leaves have minute white spikes on the tips of each leaf. Trim in early spring Flowers: July - September Growth Rate: Slow Depth: 0- 10cm...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Sisyrinchium californicum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Sisyrinchium californicum - Yellow eyed grass

    Sisyrinchium californicum - Yellow eyed grass Miniature Iris-type foliage with masses of star-shaped yellow flowers.  Prefers moist to damp soil. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Aug Growth Rate:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Stachys palustris

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Stachys palustris - Marsh woundwort

    Stachys palustris - Marsh woundwort This free-flowering plant is covered in bumble bee attracting spikes of bright purple flowers all summer.  Good for medium or large ponds. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • RHS Gold Merit
    Scented Plant
    Tulbaghia violacea - Society garlic

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Tulbaghia violacea - Society garlic

    Tulbaghia violacea - Society garlic The fragrant, pale purple flowers are held in large terminal umbels, it is free flowering late in the season. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Oct Growth Rate:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    marginal pond plant

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Veronica beccabunga - Brooklime

    Veronica beccabunga - Brooklime Very prolific succulent plant having smooth ovate leaves with clusters of blue flowers. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: May - Sep Growth Rate: Fast Max Height:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' - Arum lily

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' - Arum lily

    Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' - Arum lily Glossy arrow-shaped leaves, large white arum flowers with a yellow spathe. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Aug Growth Rate: Slow Max Height:...

    From £11.99 £11.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Allium schoenoprasum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Allium schoenoprasum - Chives

    Allium schoenoprasum - Chives Grass-like tubular, mid-green leaves with pretty rose-pink flowers.  Chives are attractive, prolific flowering and have been used in cooking and medicine for thousands of years. Pond ready – This plant comes...

    Now: £19.99
  • British Native
    RHS Gold Merit
    Athyrium filix femina - Lady Fern

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Athyrium filix femina - Lady Fern

    Athyrium filix femina - Lady fern Athyrium filix femina - One of the prettiest of our native ferns with tufts of tall, lacy, pale green arching foliage Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: None Growth Rate:...

    Now: £19.99
  • Athyrium niponicum Metallicum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Athyrium niponicum Metallicum - Japanese painted fern

    Athyrium niponicum Metallicum -  Japanese painted fern Athyrium niponicum Metallicum is very popular due to its attractive blue, green, maroon and silver foliage that changes as the season progresses. The Japanese painted fern grows best in a damp,...

    Now: £19.99
  • RHS Gold Merit
    Athyrium otoph Okanum - Eared lady fern

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Athyrium Otoph Okanum - Eared lady fern

    Athyrium Otoph Okanum - Eared lady fern Athyrium Otoph Okanum - Bright green fronds supported on dark red tinted stems. Athyriums are known as lady ferns due to their graceful appearance. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic...

    Now: £19.99
  • RHS Gold Merit
    Dryopteris erythrosora  - Japenese wood fern

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Dryopteris erythrosora - Japanese wood fern

    Dryopteris erythrosora - Japanese wood fern The Dryopteris erythrosora has broad triangular fronds with glossy coppery-pink new growth maturing to dark green The Japanese wood fern grows best in a damp, but not water logged ground, in a sheltered...

    Now: £19.99
  • British Native
    RHS Gold Merit
    Dryopteris filix-mas

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Dryopteris filix-mas - Male fern

    Dryopteris filix-mas - Male fern Dryopteris filix-mas - Hardy species of the northern Hemisphere which has feathered & crested deep green foliage. As with most ferns it prefers moist soil but avoid water logged areas.Pond ready –...

    Now: £19.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    sold out
    Hypericum elodes - Marsh St John's wort

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Hypericum elodes - Marsh St John's wort

    Hypericum elodes - Marsh St John's wort The green-grey soft hairy foliage gives a glaucous appearance.  Small, saucer shaped yellow flowers appear in late summer.  Good for the edges of ponds and streams Pond ready – This plant comes...

    Now: £19.99
  • Lobelia siphilitica alba - White Lobelia

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Lobelia siphilitica alba - White Lobelia

    Lobelia siphilitica alba - White Lobelia A handsome variety with beautiful bright white flower spikes that rise above the light green lanceolate leaves.  Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Aug -...

    From £19.99 £19.99
  • RHS Gold Merit
    Matteuccia struthiopteris - Shuttlecock fern

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Matteuccia struthiopteris - Shuttlecock fern

    Matteuccia struthiopteris - Shuttlecock fern Matteuccia struthiopteris - Very graceful with pale green drooping fronds giving the effect of a giant shuttlecockPond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: None Growth...

    Now: £19.99
  • British Native
    RHS Gold Merit
    Osmunda regalis

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Osmunda regalis - Royal fern

    Osmunda regalis - Royal fern Osmunda regalis - Large delicate pale green fronds turning to deep russet hues in Autumn. This fern may be grown in shallow waterPond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: None Growth...

    Now: £19.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    Persicaria amphibia - Amphibious bistort

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Persicaria amphibia - Amphibious bistort

    Persicaria amphibia - Amphibious bistort Trailing elongated stems and leaves float on the surface while the bottle brush like, pink flowers rise above the water.  Fast growing in bog gardens and can also grow in quite deep water (80cm). Pond ready...

    From £19.99 £19.99
  • British Native
    Phragmites australis

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Phragmites australis - Norfolk or common reed

    Phragmites australis - Norfolk or common reed Strong growing grass with broad glossy leaves that turn brown in autumn and purple or violet flowers.  This plant is frequently used in sewage treatment beds and it is still used for thatching. Pond...

    Now: £19.99
  • Polystichum polyblepharum

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Polystichum polyblepharum - Japanese tassel fern

    Polystichum polyblepharum - Japanese tassel fern Polystichum polyblepharum - Forms a tidy clump of arching dark green, evergreen  fronds with a glossy finishPond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers:...

    Now: £19.99
  • RHS Gold Merit
    Primula beesiana

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Primula beesiana

    Primula beesiana Purple mauve candelabra type flowers stand out above the foliage. All primulas do well in heavy soil well enriched with humus. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Jul Growth Rate:...

    Now: £19.99
  • RHS Gold Merit
    Primula bulleyana

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Primula bulleyana

    Primula bulleyana Orange candelabra type flowers stand high above the foliage. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Jul Growth Rate: Slow Max Height: 75cm Recommended Planting Depth: 0cm (moisture...

    Now: £19.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    RHS Gold Merit
    sold out
    Primula denticulata

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Primula denticulata

    Primula denticulata The drum stick shaped flowers have small yellow centres. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Mar - Apr Growth Rate: Slow Max Height: 30cm Recommended Planting Depth: 0cm (moisture...

    Now: £19.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    RHS Gold Merit
    Primula Veris

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Primula Veris - Cowslip

    Primula Veris - Cowslip Our common native cowslip produces several clusters of small yellow flowers on 15cm tall stems. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Apr - Jun Growth Rate: Slow Max Height:...

    Now: £19.99
  • Perfect For Pollinators
    RHS Gold Merit
    sold out
    Primula vialii - Vial's primrose

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Primula vialii - Vial's primrose

    Primula vialii - Vial's primrose An unusual conical spike of dainty purple flowers appearing from the bright red buds. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Jul Growth Rate: Slow Max Height:...

    Now: £19.99
  • British Native
    Perfect For Pollinators
    RHS Gold Merit
    sold out
    Primula Vulgaris

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Primula Vulgaris - Wild Primrose

    Primula Vulgaris - Wild Primrose The native Primrose has abundant soft yellow flowers with light green leaves very early in spring, before the other primulas. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Mar -...

    Now: £19.99
  • British Native
    Sparganium erectum - Branched bur-reed

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Sparganium erectum - Branched bur-reed

    Sparganium erectum - Branched bur-reed A very quick growing native, it is popular with landscapers for native planting schemes to provide cover for wildfowl. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Aug Growth...

    From £19.99 £19.99
  • sold out
    Gunnera perpensa

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Gunnera perpensa - River Pumpkin - Wild Rhubarb

    Gunnera perpensa - River Pumpkin - Wild Rhubarb Long stems with bright green rounded leaves. Green flower spikes from July Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jun - Aug Growth Rate: Medium Max Height:...

    From £22.99 £22.99
  • Not Hardy
    sold out
    Colocasia Rubra Black Magic - Elephant Ear

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Colocasia Rubra Black Magic - Elephant Ear

    Colocasia Rubra Black Magic - Elephant Ear Stunning large dark leaves. It has a yellow flower but this is often hidden by the leaves. Pond ready – This plant comes ready potted in aquatic soil Flowers: Jul - Aug Growth Rate: Medium Max...

    From £23.99 £23.99
  • New For 2025
    Iris laevigata

    UK Grown Pond Plants

    Iris laevigata 'Variegata'

    Iris laevigata 'Variegata' Clearly striped green and ivory-white foliage which does not fade at the plant matures with bright light blue flowers. One of the best variegated water plants but propagation is slow. As with all iris the tubers are harmful if...

    From £23.99 £23.99

A Guide to Pond Plants

Aquatic pond plants really bring a pond to life - not only do they greatly enhance the natural beauty of your pond, but they also play an essential role in maintaining the health of its water and inhabitants.

Step By Step Guide To Planting Pond Plants

Follow our step by step guide to successfully planting or replanting pond plants. Before we start, we will answer a few frequently asked questions.

Moisture loving plants for marsh, damp or bog gardens

Bog or marsh plants thrive around the edge of your pond or water feature, where the soil remains damp but not fully submerged. These moisture loving plants are ideally suited for planting directly into soil around the pond edge, maybe where the pond overflows, or in a purpose built bog garden made from surplus pond liner. If they are to be placed in a beached area it may be desirable to plant into an aquatic container that is then directly buried into the gravel. This will contain its growth and spread.

Also known as marsh plants, bog garden plants add pops of colour, height and interest to the border of your pond as well as creating shelter for its wildlife. Freshwater bog plants also help to extend the flowering season around your pond and look stunning when planted alongside traditional marginal plants in the shallows.

At World of Water we have a wide range of carefully selected bog plants for sale, both online and in-store. All our freshwater bog plants are hand-picked to ensure you get the highest quality plants for your pond. Mature specimens of our bog pond plants can also be viewed at many of our centres show gardens. Find a World of Water store near you.

Other Pond Plant Types

Pond Plant Collections  |  Water Lilies  |  Deep Water Plants  |  Bog or Marsh Plants  |  Marginal Plants  |  Oxygenating Plants  |  Floating Plants  |  Pond Molluscs (Pond Snails & Mussels)

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