A guide to installing your pond equipment
Before you start constructing your pond, it's worth planning the routing and positioning of your cables and pond equipment.
Below is a basic layout showing how this may look. The illustration shows a gravity return filter flowing back into a waterfall.

Pond electric and hose, layout and installation
The electrics are critical and particular care should be taken. Ideally an armoured cable should be buried (with a warning tape above) to take power from a 13 amp source in the house or outbuilding to a suitable junction switch box securely fixed above ground level next to the pond.
This supply must be protected by an R.C.D. (Trip Switch) at the source of the cable before entering the garden. Most switch boxes are fused; ensure the correct fuse ratings is installed.
Cables running from the junction box to the pond equipment should then be protected in a buried conduit.
When installing a submersible pond pump, run a conduit into the pond under any edging. The conduit will protect the cables from damage, children and wildlife. It also allows easier removal and reinstallation if required, without digging up channels or edging.
Install hoses so accessible while being buried to avoid damage and looking unsightly. (Pipes will vary in strength - do not bury too deep, as this may cause crushing).
It is strongly recommended NOT to concrete pipes in, if they need to go through or under pond edging or path, use a larger conduit and then sleeve the hose through, allowing easier access for replacement.
To achieve the maximum flow available from your pond equipment, plan the shortest desirable route while ensuring the hose size is suitable for the equipment - usually at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) with mid-range pumps. TIP: Always cut stepped connection hosetails to the correct hose size to avoid restricting flow
- Pumps should be positioned to allow easy access for maintenance
- Pay attention to filter location (gravity return filters should be positioned as close as possible to the return point, with a short declining rigid pipe)
- Do not concrete in cables or hose, as access may be required in the future.
- Always ensure suitable underlay protection is used.
- Plan & install all electrical cabling before completing the project to avoid having to lift any freshly laid edging.
- If burying hoses protect them from crushing.
- Plan and conceal cable and hose routing through the ponds edging.
- Gravity return filter outlets need to be positioned as close as possible to the final point of return.
- Ensure all electrical equipment is positioned to avoid accidental damage.
- Consulted a qualified electrician prior to installation of electrical equipment visit www.niceic.org.uk