What are marginal pond plants
As the name suggests, marginal plants are aquatic plants that thrive on the shallower margins of the pond, softening the edge of the pond while offering shade and shelter, reducing algae and improving the natural environment for wildlife.
What can I plant around the pond edge?
There are hundreds of great marginal pond plants, which can be subdivided into groups, including but not limited to:
- Pond rushes, grasses & reeds
- Irises for ponds
- Rafting pond plants
- Oxygenating marginal pond plants
- Caltha Water buttercups
- Low growing marginal pond plants
- Flowering Pond Plants

Where to position marginal pond plants?
Marginal pond plants can be planted either on the pond shelve to the maximum appropriate depth for variety. However a large number of marginal pond plants will also do well if planted in a bog/marsh garden where the soil is consistently damp. TIP: Always check plant advice label
Consider the maximum height your marginal plants may grow before positioning. Place the taller plants, including grasses, irises and rushes, at the back of the pond. In contrast, keep the rafting and lower growing pond plants at the front of your pond.
How deep should marginal pond plants be?
Marginal plants generally sit in the shallower edges of the pond. Different plant varieties can tolerate varying depths. Check each plant requirements before choosing its final depth and position.
How to plant marginal pond plants?
Marginal pond plants usually sit on planting shelves around the pond's edge. Most pond plants are sold as immature plants and will rapidly outgrow the supplied container.
We recommend replanting your pond plants into a good-sized pond planting basket for best results. Additionally, tall pond plants such as water iris or bull rush are particularly prone to be blown over, and using a sizeable aquatic basket will help counterbalance these plants.
Spreading and rafting plants can be planted into shallower baskets, but remember, they will need plenty of room for growth. Hence, it is always worthwhile replanting regularly to ensure the best possible display.
It may be possible in natural wildlife to plant directly into a pre-made planting area (See Edging a pond)
Best marginal pond plants
1. Myosotis scorpioides - Water forget me not
2. Equisetum hyemale - Dutch rush
3. Caltha palustris - Marsh Marigold, Kingcup
4. Butomus umbellatus - Flowering rush
5. Iris pseudacorus - Yellow Flag
6. Persicaria amphibia - Amphibious bistort
7. Mentha aquatica - Water mint
8. Cardamine pratensis - Cuckoo flower or Lady's smock
9. Eleocharis acicularis - Needle spike - Rush
10. Anagallis tenella - Bog pimpernel
11. Lythrum salicaria - Purple loosestrife
12. Iris louisiana 'Black Gamecock'
13. Scirpus cernuus - Fibre optic plant
14. Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping jenny
15. Hippuris vulgaris - Mare's tail
16. Iris pseudacorus alba
17. Sagittaria sagittifolia - Arrowhead
Pond plant collections
If you are struggling to choose pond plants, why not consider one of your pond plant collections, which are put together for different sized ponds and available in different colours pallets to suit any garden!