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Why do I need plants in my pond?

25th Jun 2021

Why do I need plants in my pond?

We are often asked by customers if they need to put plants in their pond. And when pond keepers come in to our stores and describe their ongoing battle with algae we often find that they have few, if any, plants.

Plants are absolutely key to a well-balanced pond and provide a number of different benefits. Not least, of course, is that they improve the overall look of a pond. There are so many varieties available. From bog plants, which stay with their feet only dipped in moist soil, to the lilies and deep water plants, for right in the centre of the pond. Low creeping varieties soften the edges of the pond, while tall emergent varieties can give statuesque elegance. As plants photosynthesise – make energy to grow- they produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. This is just what all the fish and insect life in your pond love, and plenty of oxygen helps them, and the pond, thrive.

As plants grow they also begin to shade the pond with their leaves; lilies are particularly good for this. This shade is great for fish and also reduce light levels, which can encourage algae. The growing plants also combat algae by taking nutrients from the pond, which would otherwise go straight to feeding algae!

Plant life also attracts an array of wildlife to the pond, creating your very own mini wildlife refuge. Most insects use plants in some way, either as food or shelter. And, of course, plants are great as spawning sites for fish and for the fry to hide in once they are hatched

So the clear message here is, the more plants the merrier. Pop in to one of our stores to learn more or check out our online selection here


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